Use of Hemp Oil and Essential Hemp Oil in cosmetics
- cold-pressed oil made from hemp seeds,
- essential oil, derived from steam distillation of flowers and top leaves of female plants,
- hemp hydrolate which is a byproduct of steam distillation (female plants) but is in this case a water phase
- it induces the sensation of serenety
- relaxes the muscles – it has an antiinflammatory feature (which is especially desirable when you are experiencing muscle pain) as well as an antispasmodic quality (which relieves one from muscle spasms)
- it alleviates stress and helps with incomnia
- it reduces swelling
- it eases skin irritation and allergic reactions on the skin
- it helps with respiratory problems
- it decreases syptoms for ilnessess such as asthma, high body temperature, sinusitis
- it boosts energy levels
- lessens nervousness and anxiety
- it effectively regulates the female hormone system (helps with so-called PMS)
- has a full holistic approach: opens, relaxes and balances body, mind and soul
Written by: Alenka Zapušek, M.Sc.,

Eterično olje iz konoplje
Eterično olje pridobivamo s parno destilacijo cvetov in zgornjih listov ženskih rastlin industrijske konoplje in se uporablja v parfumih, milih, kremah in ostalih kozmetičnih izdelkih. Kvaliteta eteričnega olja je odvisna tudi od uporabljene sorte konoplje, po izkušnjah daje FINOLA izjemno kvalitetno eterično olje rumenkaste barve in polnega intenzivnega vonja.