Hemp seeds are an excellent source of protein – they can containt up to three times as much protein an soy beans. What makes hemp seed especially unique is the fact that over 65% of the entire protein content is made up of globulins which are typical proteins of grains and legumes and are responsible for the transport of copper, fat, tyroxine and iron in the body as well as having a precursory function as building blocks for the formation of antibodies. The seeds also contatin all of the eight basic essential aminoacids in nearly perfect ratios, allowing them to be fully absorbed by the body and thus aiding it to form antibodies and boost one's immune system.

Hemp seeds are an excellent source of protein – they can containt up to three times as much protein an soy beans. What makes hemp seed especially unique is the fact that over 65% of the entire protein content is made up of globulins which are typical proteins of grains and legumes and are responsible for the transport of copper, fat, tyroxine and iron in the body as well as having a precursory function as building blocks for the formation of antibodies. The seeds also contatin all of the eight basic essential aminoacids in nearly perfect ratios, allowing them to be fully absorbed by the body and thus aiding it to form antibodies and boost one's immune system.

Stem - fibres
Hemp fibre is gained through the process of maceration (softening) or pealing (decortication). The fiber is 20 – 200 cm long and consists of celulose, hemicelulose and lignine. Fiber collected from male plants are soft and flexible and contain approx. 18% of high quality fiber while fiber gained from female plants are rough, hard and less flexible containing approx. 12% of high quality fiber.
Uses of hemp fiber: technical textiles (ropes, nets, linen for tents, sails, rugs,…), apparel (underwear, jackets, shoes, tablecloths, bedspreads, bed linen,…), construction and industry (geotextile, biocomposites, non-woven tekstiels, tubes, insulation,…)

Leaves and weeds
Hemp tea is made by soaking either dried leaves or the entire hemp plant in hot water (10 minutes). Though they posses a similar fenole profile as green teas, teas made from parts of a plant or the whole herb are called herbal teas.
Drinking hemp tea on a regular basis will boost your immune system, relieve pains caused by inflammatory diseases such as rheumatism, takes care of indigestion, has an overall antiinflammatory and antistress quality, boots energy levels, contains antioxidants,…